Introduction from "Sukui Nagi"
Our Judo Princess and guide.
Hi All,
I've been asked to show you around this web site. We could have pictures of Dave our web master and judo coach scattered all over the place but if we did (he said) we would never get another visitor to the web site again. Now, I have to agree, he's definately not model material. The camera crew and team spent four hours trying to make him look handsome. They tried to make him up, make him down and even putting him down. They tried telephoto, wide angle, fish eye and just about any other lens they could mount on the camera but alas eventually came to the conclusion there was no hope. Plastic surgery could be useful however, but unfortunately our four coin budget doesn't quite stretch that far (only joking Dave). Sorry Dave your web site colleages have suggested just about anybody would be more appealing to view at the site than your humble self. After the team had a vote, guess who ended up with the job? You guessed it, me.
Oh well, at least I get to tell you of all my favorite spots at this great site and have the fun of posing for a few shots. I wouldn't consider myself as a judo princess but the name seems to have stuck after the team saw my pictures.
Right, lets get down to business. It really is an extensive web site with well over 200 pages. Basically there are over 15 areas of judo covered with many more underway as I write. I hope you forgive me if I don't mention them all but I am highlighting my favorites. If you would like to see a section that you think could do with covering then email me and let me know. I have a little say in what goes on here and the others may well agree with your ideas. When you see something you like, click your mouse on it and open the page. See you there.
The Judo Newsletter is a great way of being kept up to date with what's going on at the site. It also lets you know when the popular poster section is up dated and when more tournament competition photographs are added to the site. I love the Ippons. If you go to the bottom of the newsletter you can subscribe or otherwise.
For a fast overview of just about everything at the site (and you can read English) see the Index Page. Alternatively you can go to it and try one of the links to index pages in another language. Here's a tip and it will tell you if the site is regularly updated. Go to the bottom of the index page and you will see if it has been updated since your last visit. There is also a home page that tells you a little of the concept and ideas of the site. You will find that information at Home Page.
One of the most popular pages of this entire web site must surely be the World Photo Link page. It certainly is with me. It's from here that you will see just how far and wide around the world our judo photographer Dave Quinn travels to bring you truly amazing action packed pictures. You'll find pictures from the World Judo Championships Senior events and the World Judo Championships Junior events. Not forgetting major judo tournaments around the world such as Tournoi de Paris and other great International events not to be missed like The British Open.
If you're after way cool judo posters, you will find heaps at the Judo Poster Galleries. When you get there look for the links to the different sections and styles of posters. Hopefully you may find a few posters of me there.
Having been official press at many world judo tournaments we have endeavored to put together a set of competition photos that we believe are excellent for debate on key areas of refereeing. Ideal for Seminars & Clinics and referees courses. I can tell you that they are putting them onto C.D. at this moment. Over 100 pictures in all. I love em. I hope to see a set of them in time. Go to Manuals for details. I just looked again. At the moment there is no mention of the CD,s. So, soon as you see that page up , don't forget, I told you first.
Here's a great number. Would you believe you can have us prepare a competition poster especially for your judo event. It could state your venue, date and entry schedule. It could also include one of the fantastic pictures seen here at our site. And it's free. For details see Judo Event Promo.
From time to time you will find a great special offer at the Judo Net Shop. So if you're a collector of anything judo, it's worth keeping em peeled.
Hey, we even think of the kids. We have now got a collection of Judo Pin Badges available to collect. Every time we deal with a special judo event we produce a new badge to commemorate it. There are in fact many more than are seen at the page. Remembering most kids are on a limited budget, the cost is kept very reasonable.
One of the things I like about this site is the abundance of FREE Graphics and judo Banners that you can copy and paste, to enhance your own club web site. Over seven pages. I know loads of clubs that used to struggle to get a web site up that was both informative and graphically interesting. However now, sure thing, you can pick and choose till your hearts content, whatever graphic you so desire. The only thing we ask is you credit us at or with a line of gratitude or link from your site. What are you waiting for? Get creating and most of all have fun.
If you have had a go at building your own Judo Club Web Site and it's not quite what you're after, or you don't have time, don't worry. Get one of us to build it for you. We will do it free. All we ask is a small hosting fee. What a great idea.
Wow. Step this way for Judo Art like you've never seen before. Both exciting and captivating action shots given a little creative flair. You are welcome to use them at your site but don't forget to give us a credit. It takes a lot of time to produce some of these beauties. There's well over twenty artworks there at my last count.
Now hear this. For me it's a great thing to be able to unite the world via judo. We get a chance to see where and who you are when you enter our World Wide Judoka List. I'll also try (when I get time) to update you on any major changes that I can.
It's great to say, there's absolutely no excuse for never getting a hit to your site. All you need do is register your judo club (free as usual) at our page and you will surely increase interest to your site and so to your club. Here's a great idea! When you're ready to have your vacation, check out this page and see if there is a club in the area. It's brilliant fun to meet up with other judoka with compatible interests. Tell them Sukui sent you.
If it's Judo Interviews with some of the best athletes in the world that you're after, don't miss this one. It has some great names. Jimmy Pedro (U.S.A.) Olympic and World Judo Champion, Nicolas Gill (Canada), Olympic and World Judo Champion, Kate Howey M.B.E. (Great Britain), Olympic and World Judo Champion, Catarina Rodrigues, (Portugal) World Champion, Bill Sargent, World Veteran Champion (England), Shawn Wright young upcoming competitor from USA and Itay Mazor Israel Junior International are interviewed about judo by our judo journalist Dave Quinn of World Judo Organisation.
Not every club has a web site, but some do have great web creators. So here are a few links that I think are well worth a look at. They are not all judo related. Cor, what, makes a change.
Every now and then I like a quick fix of judo. The Daily Judo Picture fills that spot for me. We don't always remember to update it but most times we do. If I forget, let me know. Thanks.
O.K. Well that's about it from me at the moment. Dave our web master has promised to put a few pictures of me around the site, so you may see me again. Oh I nearly forgot... I have now seen the Posters of me. Wowee. Not for the faint hearted. No but seriously, if you are easily offended or are under the age of consent it may be a good idea to check out if it's O.K. to view or order the posters of me with your parents or guardian first. If you are allowed then see me at "Sukui Nagi" Poster Sets.