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World Judo Organisation are compiling a series of Judo Photo Manuals to assist with Seminars,
Clinics and Lectures. These manuals are available in two formats.
Worldjudo.org Photo Manual
Referee & Officials Version 1
For Seminars & Clinics
- Hard copy. The collection come as a set approximate size of each picture is: 310 x 430mm
. Subject matter: Linework, Counters, Negative Judo, Throws from the Ground, Head Diving,
Scores. Fifteen pictures in total. When necessary, distracting backgrounds have been
removed or faded to enhance the subject.
- Overhead Transparencies. This collection come as a set on A4 size suitable for overhead
transparency machines. The picture content are the same as above.
Gordan Mortimer Chairman Referees Commission B.J.A.
'These pictures are of very good quality and are very useful, highlighting
points that can be difficult to explain. I have both formats'.
At a recent referees seminar, Lecturer Alan Lingham Senior
National Referee
'I wish I had seen these pictures before my event. As they would have been
a great help'.
Worldjudo.org Photo Manual
Coach & Competitors Version 1
Technique Analyses
- Hard Copy. This is a close up look at world class level competition photos. Including:
Right handed grip with left handed throws, Pick-ups, Using the area and many photos to
create interest and debate. Twenty pictures in total. When necessary, distracting
backgrounds have been removed or faded to enhance the subject.
- Overhead Transparencies. This collection come as a set on A4 size suitable for overhead
transparency machines. The picture content are the same as above.

The Judo Manuals above will soon be available on C.D.