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Extensive list of players and officials from Great
Dan Grades
Morgan Laurie 1st Dan Scottish Judo
Federation Competitive
Stephen Fraser 3rd Dan, British
Judo Association,
Coach, London Dave
Kavanagh Competitive Player, 6th Dan BJA, NHC
Dineen Competitive Player, 1st Dan/BJA
Luzby Non Competitive Vet, 2nd Dan, BJA, Southern
Coleman Competitive Player, 2nd Dan BJA, West Midlands
Gordon Competitive Player, 1st Dan BJA, Kent, Southern Keith
Costa Competitive Player, 3rd Dan BJA, Kent
Martin Clarke Competitive Player,
8th Dan International Budo Federation, Kent
Crowe Competitive Player, Ni Dan British Judo Council, Wiltshire, Avon David
Dyer Competitive Player\Coach\Ref, 4th Dan, British Judo Council, Hampshire,
Mac Abbotts Coach, 6th
Dan British Judo Association, West Midlands, Wolverhampton
Lawson Competitive Player, 4th Dan British Zen Judo Family Association,
Quartermaine Coach, 1st Dan BJA, Nottinghamshire, Midlands
Mayhew Competitive Player, 2nd Dan British Judo Council, Bourne,
Kevin Mayes
Competitive Player, 2nd Dan British Judo Council, South London
Coach, 2nd Dan British Judo Association, Surrey/southern
Anthony Buckley
Competitive Player, BJA 1st DAN, Hardy Spicer, Warwickshire
Sadler Competitive Player, 1st Dan B J C, Cheshire
Davies Competitive Player, 1 Dan British Judo Association, London
Boyes Competitive Player, 2nd Dan, Coach , PSA, BJA and BJC, Bristol,
Western Area
Robert Coach, 7th dan Scottish Judo Federation, Scotland
David Hughes Competitive Player,
2nd dan B.J.A./B.J.C., Kent
Clempner Competitive Player, 6th Dan BJA, North West / Police
Mick Bourke Competitive Player,
2nd Dan, B.J.C., Buckinghamshire, Milton Keynes
Tolson Competitive Player, 1st
Dan BJA., West York's
Doostdar Spectator, 2nd dan, Oxfordshire
Westlake Coach, 1st Dan. B.J.A.,South Gloucestershire.
Little Stoke
L. Estol Competitive Player, Coach, 1st Dan
Darren Sietnieks
Competitive Player,
1st Dan Richard
Ayres Coach, 1st Dan, British Judo Council, Cheshre Area, United Kingdom
Fergus Pirie Competitive Player,
1st dan Scottish Judo Association, Scotland, Aberdeenshire
John Kunzi Competitive Player, 2nd Dan
BJA, Wessex
Carrie Thompson
Competitive Player, 1st Dan BJA, North West Area
Ron Hubbard
Competitive Player, 2nd Dan BJA, Essex, Eastern
Shandley Competitive Player, 1st Dan AJA, West Midlands Peter
D Barnett Coach, 1st Dan, BJA Sussex, Southern Area
(Bobby) Donaldson Competitive Player, Yodan, U.S. Navy, JA,JF,JI,MJA,BJA,
London Llyr
Jones Competitive Player 3 Dan UK/France
Jonathan Cooke
Competitive Player, Sandan NIJF, Northern Ireland
Higgison Competitive Player, 1st dan sjf, Scotland
HunterCompetitive Player, bja 4th dan, North David
Deer Coach, 4th Dan Doshi-Tenaki Shin Do, Hertfordshire,Baldock Mark Denney
Competitive Player, 3rd dan, B.J.A. Sussex, Southern Barrie
Bloomfield Competitive Player, 2nd Dan Welsh Judo Association, South Wales
Bill Taylor
Competitive Player, 3rd Dan BJA, Essex, NHC. Bill
Pendleton Competitive Player, 2nd dan bja, Cumbria north west
King Competitive Player, 2nd Dan BJA, Norfolk, East
Karen Hayburn
Competitive Player, 1st Dan, Scotland
Graham Heaton
Competitive Player, 4th dan, b.j.a., North West Area
Keith Jones Competitive
Player, 3rd Dan, bja, West Midlands
Maciver Competitive Player, 1st Dan, Scottish Judo Federation, Scotland,
Strathclyde, Glasgow
Keith Robert Box
Coach, 2nd Dan BJA, Redditch, Worcestershire John
Creed Competitive Player, Black Belt, Kent Martin_Rivers
Competitive Player, 2nd Dan, BJA, Sussex,
Welsh Competitive Player, BJA 3rd Dan, Herts nhc Elaine
Down Referee, 2nd Dan - British Judo Association, Northern Home Counties -
Wilcock Competitive Player, 1st Dan, Lancashire, North West Mark
Montgomery Competitive Player, 2nd Dan NIJF, Northern Ireland
H .Prosser Competitive Player, 2nd Dan B.J.A. Gwent Wales Graham
Robins Coach, 1st Dan B.J.C., Bitterne, Southampton, Hampshire
Roy Court
Coach, 1st Dan Welsh Judo Association, Wales Scott Dunn Coach, 1st Dan, Shogun Judo Club, Montrose, Scotland,
Sharpe Competitive Player, 2nd Dan BNMA, Crewe, Cheshire Danny
Luxford Competitive Player, 2nd Dan, BJA, Kent, South
Patrick McCrystal Competitive Player,
2nd Dan British Judo Association, Northern Ireland
Ian Grant Competitive
Player, 4th Dan Scottish Judo Federation, Scotland
Taylor, Paul Coach,
1st Dan - British Judo Association, Bristol, Western
Carey Competitive Player, Club Coach, Southern Area
Lawson Coach, 4th Dan BZJFA, Nottingham, British Zen Judo Family Association
Harry Competitive Player, 1st Dan BJA, Hampshire, Eastleigh
Moylan Competitive Player,1st Dan Northern Ireland J. A.,
Armagh, N. Ireland Iain
Simpson Competitive Player, 1st Dan B.J.A., Lancashire, North West
Jillian T/Richard K
Anderson Competitive Players, 1st/2nd Dan, BJA, Surrey, Southern Area
Thompson/Dillon Lavery Competitive
Players,1st Dan, Northern Ireland J. Fed.,Craigavon,Co.Armagh.
Chris Taylor
Competitive Player, 3rd Dan BJA, Lincolnshire, Midland Area
Danny Harper
Competitive Player, BJA, 4th Dan, Surrey, South
Rebecca Swift
Competitive Player, 2nd Dan, BJA, Surrey, South
Paul Keeton
Competitive Player, 1st Dan, British Judo Association, Midlands,
Graeme Welsh Competitive
Player, 3rd dan British Judo Assoc, Hertfordshire, welwyn garden city
Chris Jones
Competitive Player, 1st Dan,Welsh Judo Association,Wales,Swansea
Hugh Syme Competitive
Player, 3rd Dan SJF
David Brennan Competitive
Player, 2nd Dan Scottish Judo Federation
Derek Scott
Competitive Player, 2nd Dan, Scottish Judo Federation
David McSkimming
Competitive Player, 3rd Dan Scottish Judo Federation, Scotland
Tony Marsh
Competitive Player,1st dan BJA,Essex, NHC
Stan Cantrill Veteran, 4th
Dan. BJA., Midlands
Bruce Scrivens Competitive Player, 1st
Dan BJA, Sussex, Southern
Chris Valentine Competitive Player, 1st Dan ,
Dave Coles Competitive Player, 5th
Dan BJA, Wales
Alex Ives Veteran, 4th Dan, BJA, Police
Athletic Association/South
John Peachey & Rick Hogan Competitive
Players,2nd Dan, B.J.A, Essex
Bruce Scrivens Coach, 1st Dan BJA & Dai
Nippon Butokukai, Sussex
Stephen Sweetlove Competitive
Player, 5th Dan British Judo Association, Bedfordshire
Alan Roberts
Coach 6th Dan Dartford Judo Kwai, National Coach, Team Manager-B.J.A.
Bill_Sargent Competitive Player, 3rd
dan bja, Kent, South
Steve Blake Competitive Player, 3rd
Dan, BJA, Kent, Southern
Dave Quinn 5th Dan Competitive
Dartford Judo Kwai,
Coach, Nat. Ref. B.J.A., SA
Claire Greenwood Competitive
Player, 2nd Dan BJA, IJFB Referee, Kent, Southern Area
Derek Coult Competitive Player, Ref., 4th
Dan BJA Eastern Area
Chris Taylor Competitive
Player,Senior Examiner, Lincolnshire County Coach, 3rd Dan BJA
Sean Warren, 1st Dan Bexley
Judokwai, Sec,Coach, Very good sometimes Ref. Very Competitive,BJA Kent
Graham Hoptroff Competitive 5th Dan
Coach, Team Manager, British Judo Association.
Andy Seffens 2nd Dan Bexley Judokwai,
Senior Coach, Area Ref. Competitive Vet. B.J.A.
Chris Mullen 2nd Dan National Ref.,
B.J.A. S Area
Refereeing Representative.Tel. 0181 303 6353
Mike Gingell Competitive
Player 4th Dan - International Martial Arts Federation - Europe
Roger C. Marks Coach, Sandan BJC, London
Emma Jessop Junior black
belt B.J.C Competitive, Leicestershire
S.R. J.C. Swannington Hattie Dale Competitive Player, 2nd
mon, Bucks, Northern home Counties
Gemma Gale Official, 3rd Kyu, BJA,
Bristol, Western Area
Derek Gamblin Competitive Player,
1st kyu bja, Herefordshire
Stephen James Lucas
Competitive Player, 14th mon B.J.A., London.
Paul Cooper Competitive Player, 1
kyu, B.J.A, South
Rhys Edwards Competitive
Player, 6th mon BJA, Southampton
John Smith Competitive Player,
WJA, Wales
Lee Tasker Non-competitive, BJA,
Worcestershire, Worcester
John Mayes
Competitive Player, 1st kyu British Judo Association, Northants
Shepherd Competitive Player, 3rd kyu, BJA, Middlesex, Hillingdon
Marc Todd
Competitive Player, 1st kyu, South east
Robert Alloway
Competitive Player, 1st Kyu AJA, Worcestershire, Doritwich
Chris Godsmark Competitive Player, 12th
mon B.J.A., West Sussex
Mathew Ellis Competitive Player,
8th kyu, BJA, Essex,Eastern
Neil Savory
Competitive Player, 1st Kyu BJA, Kent
Lavery Competitive Player, 7kyu, Co.Derry Northern Ireland
Marc Todd Competitive
Player, 2nd kyu, South East
Tony Rowden
Official, 2nd Kyu, Welsh Judo Association, Porthcawl, South Wales
Matt Scales Competitive
Player, 13th mon BJA, Somerset, Western Area
A Harrison
Competitive Player, 9 Kyu BJA, Cleveland/North
Sweet Competitive Player, 1st Kyu,
BJA, Bucks, Northern Home Counties
Robin Lloyd-Williams Junior, 7th
Mon, North Wales
Sean Dineen
Competitive Player, 17th Mon BJA, Birmingham, Midlands
Starr Competitive Player, 1st Kyu, BJA, Hampshire
George Mcguire Competitive Player, 1st kyu bja, Wilts
Harrison Alex Hills
Competitive Player, Orange Belt, Essex
Competitive Player, B.J.A., Berkshire, Wokingham
Steve Williams Competitive Player,
2nd Kyu BJA, Herts, Hemel Hempstead
Competitive Player, 2nd kyu, Hampshire, Basingstoke
George Boussoulas
Competitive Player, 7th kyu, BJA, Lancaster
Aaron Gordon
Competitive Player, 9th mon B.J.A., Suffolk, Ipswich
Emma Fletcher
Competitive Player, BJA Brown Belt, North West
Carl Harrison
Competitive Player, 2nd kyu B.J.A, Hertfordshire, Stevenage
Leanne Brannan
Competitive Player, 4 KYU BJA, Lincolnshire/Midland Area
David Painton Competitive
Player, B.J.C., no grade, Oxon, Oxford
Whaites Competitive Player, White Belt with 3 yellow tabs, Rastrick
Jamie Jones
Junior, 5th mon, Newtown, Mid Wales
Macnab Non-competitive, 8th kyu, BJA, Frome, Somerset
Kate Walker
Junior, 11th Mon British Judo Association, Worcestershire
Andrew Wilcock
Competitive Player, 1 kyu BJA, Lancashire, North West
Pimley Competitive Player, Junior, Hampshire,
Karen Butler
Competitive Player, 2nd Kyu BJA, Lancashire,North West Zakarii
Beard Competitive Player, 10th mon, Sussex, Southern Area
Rie Ogura Spectator,
Dunn Competitive Player, 9th mon-BJA, Nottingham Adam
Binnie Competitive Player, 2nd Mon SJF, Scotland Denny, Stirlingshire Adam
Cort Competitive Player, 3rd Kyu - British Judo Council, Leicestershire,
Leicester Steve
Curtis Competitive Player, Green tokushima, Notts, Aspley Ben
Henderson Competitive Player, 4th Kyu BNMA, Crewe, Cheshire Kirsty
Thomas Competitive Player, 5th Kyu BNMA, Crewe, Cheshire
Stephen Snellgrove
Non-competitive, 3rd kyu BJA
Helen Sheen Competitive
Player, 10th Mon, Isle Of Man
Sean Dineen
Competitive Player, 10th mon BJA, Midlands
Chris Crook
Veteran, 7 kyu, Surrey, Dorking, BJA Southern Area - Surrey County
Competitive Player, 16th mon, Birmingham Oliver Justin Relton
Competitive Player, 15th mon, Bja
Sebastian Turner
Competitive Player, 8th mon, Douglas, Isle of Man
Des Cooke Competitive
Player, 4th Kyu, Ross-on-Wye,Herefordshire
Samatha Kelly
Competitive Player, Top Yellow BJA, Surrey
Hill Competitive Player,10 and 13 Mon BJA, Sussex Southern
Harry Bell Competitive
Player, 18th mon WJA Wales, Powys, Llanfyllin
Debora Pratt Competitive
Player, 3rd Kyu 3 blue, Kent, Bromley, Biggin Hill
Karl Coppack
Competitive Player, 12th mon, BJA, Surrey
James Holmes Competitive
Player, 12th Mon B.J.A,, Surrey, Southern Area
Len Katie Official Chairperson,Comp. Player,Meadowmill J.C., S.J.F.Scotland,
East Lothian
Terry Stears
Competitive Player,2nd kyu, BJA,Cheshire
Michael James Stewart
Novice, Portadown N.Ireland.
Kate Marsh
Competitive Player, 7th mon BJA, Essex, Northern Home Counties
Paul Syers Non-competitive, 1st Kyu
BJA, Kent, Dartford
Rhianon Morse Competitive
Player, W.J.A. Official, Porthcawl, S. Wales
Jason Donohue Competitive Player,
Manchester, Leigh
D. Lyons Competitive Player,
2nd kyu,Essex Dagenham and Rainham
Angela Jackson Competitive
Player, 6th mon, yellow belt, London
Dave & Aaron J. Cox Competitive
Players,17th Mon, BJA, Midlands
Ron Sanders Competitive
Player, 1st Kyu BJA, North West
Christeyen Sanders Junior,
British Cadet BJA 13mon, North West
Gemimma Sanders Competitive
Player, Cadet BJA 13Mon, North West
Colin Vanner Competitive Player, 3rd
Kyu (BNMA), Cheshire, Crewe
David Painton Competitive
Player, Oxford/BJC,Oxon
Dave Buckley Competitive Player,
BJA,West Midlands
Bill Musgrove Competitive Player
Catherine Softley Junior, 11th Mon BJA,
Sussex, Southern Area,Westerliegh
Tony Brown Coach, 4th Kyu British Judo
Association, Hampshire, Southern Area
Chris Crook Competitive Player, 7th kyu,
Dorking Judo Club, Surrey
Ben Peachell Junior Competitive Player, 4th
Mon, BJA, Dartford, Kent
Brett Caswell Junior, 13th mon British Judo
Association, Hampshire, Southern Area
James Gray Competitive
Player, Coach, Referee, 1st Kyu, British Judo Council (MAC) Norfolk
Ian Cox Competitive Player, 1st Kyu
B.J.A. , Midlands/Nottingham
Bill Allen Competitive Player 1st Kyu, BJA
Northern Area, British Judo Association
Anderson Orange belt. Dartford Judo Kwai. Competitive
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